miercuri, 22 august 2012

Launching the project

The O.D.E.N. Nehoiu association announces the start of a week of activities during the youth exchange EUROPEAN GREEN KITCHEN, a 1.1 action of the program Youth in Action, starting on the 23rd of August 2012.
The activities will take place at Bușteni and will bring together 45 youngsters and youth leaders from 8 organizations from 8 countries: Bulgaria, Finland, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Turkey and Romania.
The aim of the project is making youngsters aware of the importance of an education for healthy eating instead an irresponsible one and promoting traditional natural products to reduce the harmful effects of forged and unchecked products on the human health.
To reach this aim we chose a series of objectives:
-          Creating a space for reflection for 45 youngsters from 8 european countries concerning the role of traditional gastronomy and healthy food in developing active citizens.
-          Promoting the attitude of a responsible and aware consumer.
-          Promoting a healthy lifestyle with the help of non formal education.
-          Identifying and fighting against the risks of an unhealthy and irresponsible lifestyle.
-          Creating a new current of opinion between youngsters in order to avoid fake, genetically modified or tested on animals products.
-          Making youngsters aware of the cultural diversity and gastronomic specific tradition.
-          Enhancing the cooperation among youth to accomplish future projects together.
-          Including two youngsters with less opportunities and preparing them to be examples of good behavior within their group of youngsters.
During 7 days of work activities specific non formal education will take place: games, presentations, workshops, intercultural nights, cultural visits.
The project will have 5 interactive cooking workshops where youngsters will present the way of preparing some traditional recipes based, principally, on healthy natural food and it will end with a visual campaign to promote healthy food, which will take place in Bran. Activities are coordinate by people with experience who implemented in a youth exchange about consumer’s attitude last year.
The results of the project will be posted on the blog created by the youth: http://grinkitchen.blogspot.ro/
The project is financed by the European Commission through the program Youth in Action, action 1.1.
The Organization for Democracy and Non formal Education (O.D.E.N.) is a new youth structure which supports projects and initiatives of and for youth.
For details about this project and other aspects of our activity please contact us.

Responsible for the project,
Fabiola Chiriacescu.

‘This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’

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